The Essential Contents of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.

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This is a book that teaches you how to get out of debt, save money, and build wealth by following a seven-step plan. The book is based on the author’s own experience and philosophy of money.

Here are the main points of the book:

Step 1: Save $1,000 in an emergency fund.
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This will help you cover unexpected expenses and avoid taking on more debt. It will also give you confidence and motivation to tackle the next steps.

Step 2: Pay off all your debts except your mortgage using the debt snowball method.

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This means paying off your smallest debt first, then moving on to the next one, until you are debt-free. This will free up your cash flow and reduce your stress.

Step 3: Save 3 to 6 months of expenses in a fully funded emergency fund.

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This will protect you from major financial crises, such as losing your job, getting sick, or having a car accident. It will also give you peace of mind and security.

Step 4: Invest 15% of your income in retirement savings.

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This will help you prepare for your future and achieve financial independence. You can use various investment vehicles, such as mutual funds, index funds, or Roth IRAs, depending on your goals and risk tolerance.

Step 5: Save for your children’s college education.

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This will help you avoid student loans and give your children a head start in life. You can use different savings plans, such as 529 plans, ESA plans, or UTMA accounts, depending on your state and tax situation

Step 6: Pay off your home mortgage early.
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This will save you thousands of dollars in interest and make you truly debt-free. It will also increase your net worth and equity.

Step 7: Build wealth and give generously.

This is the ultimate goal of the total money makeover. You can use your money to create passive income, pursue your passions, help others, and leave a legacy.

These are the essential contents of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
I hope you found this information helpful and interesting. 

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